Thursday 15 February 2007

happy today bc...

I was thinking today about achievements and getting things done...especially when other things in life aren't going to plan.
I set myself some goals this week:
*to reach the bottom of my washing basket
*tidy the junk in the lounge
* make cakes with the children for the school cake sale on friday

Ok... not life shattering goals but do you know what? Sometimes it is good to celebrate small achievements because they help us to feel happier and more positive about life.
This week I have had two children of sick (so that means three at home) normally I would get stressed but because I have *achieved something* I have been much more calm!! Yey! :)
(Photos are of my nice neat washing pile, yummy cakes decorated by Pheobe, Indian marriage door curtain found whilst tidying up, tidy more junk)
I have had an idea for a mini book about this so when I have the time to do it I will post it up...mmm you could be waiting awhile...why don't you do one and post it!! Title: 'Happy Today Because'...

1 comment:

Claire said...

Dear Rachel - love reading your blog, and you're right, it's the little things in life that makes us happy!
Not much chance of me getting time to do a mini album though :-(